In the modern world of technology, humans sit all day long. A large percentage of working and non-working Americans alike spend the majority of their day sitting at a desk. As a result, standing desks have emerged as a possible solution to those that need to use a computer or a desk for work or recreation. Like many chiropractors in San Diego, at Paincare of San Diego, we know the potential health benefits of using a standing desk.

The Source of Pain

Sitting isn’t really the problem. The real problem that causes chronic back pain in millions of Americans is poor sitting posture and sitting too much of the day. Sitting with poor posture causes a host of problems, including decreased flexibility, decreased strength, increased muscle tension, and weighted compression of the spine. Rather than using the proper muscles to hold up the body, poor sitting posture basically uses the ligaments and bones to hang out with little firing of the muscles. This makes it so that trying to sit or stand in a good posture is difficult because the muscles simply don’t have the strength or endurance. The compression on the spine can cause unnatural wear and tear, creating or worsening existing back problems. All of these issues can lead to a variety of health problems, including and especially back pain.

The Solution

What’s the solution? A desk that morphs from sitting to standing is a great solution because it gives the individual the flexibility to change positions throughout the day. Sitting or standing all day, especially in poor posture, isn’t ideal. Changing positions will allow an individual a variety of motion and even that can cause relief. The best solution for back pain is to alternate sitting and standing throughout the day with good posture in each. Chiropractors in San Diego can help anyone understand what ideal sitting and standing posture looks like. It’s also important to keep physically active and exercise regularly. Don’t just go home from work and sit on the couch!