Catching Scoliosis Early and Possible Treatment Options

Any San Diego chiropractor will say that the best way to treat scoliosis is to find it early. Scoliosis is the curvature of the spine, and it can get worse with age. For this reason, it is always better to find it in early childhood rather than in adulthood. There are...

What You Need to Know about Rotator Cuff Injuries

Each year approximately 250,000 Americans get rotator cuff surgery. The rotator cuff is a network of 4 muscles that support your arm and shoulder. A torn rotator cuff is most commonly caused by an acute injury or natural degeneration and can result in severe pain and...

Strategies To Ease Arthritis Pain

The number of people with arthritis is staggering. In 2005, 66 million adults in the United States — nearly one in three — had either been diagnosed with arthritis or were living with undiagnosed chronic joint pain and other symptoms. Although the risk of some types...

Take The Sting Out Of 10 Common Stressors

Sometimes just thinking about embarking on a program of stress control can be stressful. Rather than freeze in your tracks, start small and bask in the glow of your successes. Give yourself a week to focus on practical solutions that could help you cope with just one...

Pain Free BACK

Weak back and abdominal muscles — due to deconditioning or age — cause or exacerbate many cases of low back pain. That’s why stretching and strengthening both your back and abdominal muscles is important not only for treating low back pain, but also for helping to...